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Use specific keywords to find the perfect painting for your needs.
Browse through our extensive collection of antique oil paintings and easily search by keywords, such as dimensions and what is depicted.

To make it easier for you to find the perfect painting, we have tagged each artwork with specific keywords. These keywords include ‘Seascape’, ‘Portrait’, and ’18th Century’
Click on the search bar in the catalogue page and type in the desired key word. You may input multiple keywords to make your search more specific. Type ‘,’ directly after the keyword and press the space bar.
- High-quality images of each painting
- User-friendly guide for searching keywords
What if I don’t see a keyword that describes the painting I need?
Contact us through the ‘Contact Us’ page and you can tell us exactly what you’re looking for.
What if I have a very specific requirements and keywords won’t work for my request?
Contact us through the ‘Contact Us’ page and we will do a refined search of our own to see if we can provide the best painting possible.
What are your operating hours?
Monday – Friday 0900 – 1600
How does delivery work?
We are partnered with a specialist delivery company to make sure all paintings are delivered on time and in their best condition.
What does it mean when a painting is greyed out?
This means the painting is currently unavailable, though this is only temporary and you will be able to hire the painting at a later time. Contact us through the ‘Contact Us’ page and we can give you an estimate for when we will have it back in stock.